
Ashbery’s published AT LEAST 35 poems in journals since this time last year. His new one is out in October (UK) or November (US). I’m missing more than a few Adderall. Not saying these are all related, but, come on, JA, just ask

Ashbery’s published AT LEAST 35 poems in journals since this time last year. His new one is out in October (UK) or November (US). I’m missing more than a few Adderall.
Not saying these are all related, but, come on, JA, just ask!
#speedbery #ashbery

Ashbery’s published AT LEAST 35 poems in journals since this time last year. His new one is out in October (UK) or November (US). I’m missing more than a few Adderall. Not saying these are all related, but, come on, JA, just ask Read More »

Totally weaseled my way into the acknowledgements of another book that’s bound to win an NBCC or NBA. Everybody should read Dana Spiotta’s new novel, Innocents and Others. Heard an excerpt at Tin House and have been anxious for its release ever since. Characters you don’t see often in fiction…80s tech but not a cyberpunk story…brilliant writing…love it

Totally weaseled my way into the acknowledgements of another book that’s bound to win an NBCC or NBA. Everybody should read Dana Spiotta’s new novel, Innocents and Others. Heard an excerpt at Tin House and have been anxious for its release ever since. Characters you don’t see often in fiction…80s tech but not a cyberpunk story…brilliant writing…love it! #danaspiotta #innocentsandothers

Totally weaseled my way into the acknowledgements of another book that’s bound to win an NBCC or NBA. Everybody should read Dana Spiotta’s new novel, Innocents and Others. Heard an excerpt at Tin House and have been anxious for its release ever since. Characters you don’t see often in fiction…80s tech but not a cyberpunk story…brilliant writing…love it Read More »